Key Takeaways:
- The right supplements can help women navigate menopause, support joint and bone health, support memory, and keep skin looking youthful.*
- Combining a balanced diet, an active lifestyle, and targeted supplements can help women age with strength, vitality, and confidence.
Aging is a natural and beautiful process, but let’s be honest—it comes with its challenges. From supporting strong bones and glowing skin to menopause and stiff joints, our bodies evolve, as do our nutritional needs. While a healthy diet and lifestyle are the foundation of aging well, the right supplements can provide extra support where needed.
So whether you’re looking to support energy metabolism, your joint health, or keep your mind sharp, this guide breaks down some supplements to help women thrive on their healthy aging journey.*
For menopausal symptoms
Menopause and perimenopause can be overwhelming seasons of life for many women. As you go through this major bodily change, you may experience a range of menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, loss of libido, mood swings, and more.1
Taking a supplement, like Solgar® Menopause Relief, is one of the easiest ways to support your body during this time.
Menopause Relief
Uniquely formulated to provide relief from a full range of common physical and emotional menopausal symptoms, including:
- Hot Flashes*
- Night Sweats*
- Irritability*
- Anxiety*
- Mood Swings*
- Sleep Disturbances*
- Exhaustion*
- Joint & Muscle Discomfort*
- Vaginal Dryness*
- Urinary Difficulties*
- Decreased Sexual Desire & Satisfaction*
Menopause Relief combines the hormone-free, clinically studied ingredients Siberian Rhubarb (ERr-731®) and affron™ Saffron.
And it’s non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free.
For healthy aging joints
Many women enjoy an active, robust lifestyle, and it can be frustrating when your body can no longer keep up with the activities you normally do.
As you age, your joints may feel stiffer and less flexible. Thankfully, taking a supplement can help.
Joint Ease
With continued use, just one softgel of Joint Ease daily helps:
- Support the reduction in joint pain from exercise or physical activity*
- Improve joint comfort within 5 days✝✝*
- Improve joint health, stiffness, range of motion, and/or mobility*
- Support a healthy inflammatory response‡‡*
Key ingredients:
- TamaFlex®: Clinically-studied, patented combination of Tamarind seed & Curcumin extract
- Rhuleave-K®: Patented combination of Boswellia extract and Turmeric
- Vitamins C & D: 100% of the recommended daily value of each per softgel
It’s also non-GMO, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, and kosher.
For a healthy aging memory
Keeping your memory sharp is vital to feeling like yourself as you age.
Taking a supplement specifically formulated to support brain health and recall, such as Solgar® Memory Support, can help keep you sharp as you age.*
Memory Support
Just one capsule daily of Memory Support:
- Supports focus by assisting with attention*
- Helps with recall*
- Helps support short-term memory‡*
- Supports brain health*
Key ingredients:
- Nutricog™: Clinically-studied combination of Terminalia chebula & Boswellia serrata
- Huperzine-A: From Toothed Clubmoss, an herb native to Eastern Asia
- Vitamin C: 100% of the recommended daily value per capsule
- Zinc: 10% of the recommended daily value in each capsule
It’s also non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, and kosher.
For healthy aging bones
Calcium is especially important for women as they age because of normal, age-related changes that occur with their bones. Up until about age 40, all the bone removed is replaced. After age 40, however, less bone is replaced. If bone tissue is removed faster than it is replaced, you may be at risk of bone injuries and fractures.2
Most women enter menopause between the ages of 45-55. As levels of estrogen drop dramatically, women undergo rapid bone loss. In fact, it’s estimated that women lose up to ten percent of their bone mass in the first five years after menopause.3
Taking a calcium supplement is one of the easiest ways for women to support bone health.*
Calcium Magnesium with Vitamin D3
Solgar® Calcium Magnesium with Vitamin D3 offers three nutrients for supporting bone health in one easy supplement. Each serving supports healthy bones, a healthy immune system, and nerve and muscle function.*
For healthy aging skin
As you age, many women notice that their skin doesn’t look the same as it did when they were younger.
After the age of 20, you produce about 1 percent less collagen in the skin every year. As a result, the skin becomes thinner and more fragile with age. Your sweat and oil glands also do not function as well, and your skin produces less elastin. All of these contribute to wrinkles or sagging skin.4
Taking a collagen and/or hyaluronic acid supplement can help support healthy, youthful skin.* It even supports joint health!*
Collagen Hyaluronic Acid Complex
Collagen Hyaluronic Acid Complex helps:
- Boost skin collagen in just 12 weeks; increases skin elasticity and softens the appearance of wrinkles*^
- Maintain healthy, youthful skin*
- Support joint health with chondroitin and Vitamin C for collagen formation*
Multivitamin for women over 50
If you feel like your supplement routine is getting too long, it might be time to look into a multivitamin formulated for women of your age.
Choosing a multivitamin formulated specifically for your age and sex is important because the health needs of a woman in her 20s may be very different from those of a woman in her 50s.
One Daily Women’s Multi 50+
Just one capsule a day helps support…
- Healthy hair, skin, & nails†
- Energy & stress†
- Bone & heart health†
- Immune health†
With 18 highly bioavailable vitamins & minerals including vitamin D, vitamin B12, and biotin.
Summing it up
Aging well isn’t just about adding years to your life—it’s about adding life to your years. By incorporating the right supplements into your routine, you can support your body through every stage, from hormonal changes and joint health to memory, skin, and bone strength. Whether you’re looking for targeted support or a well-rounded multivitamin, making informed choices about your health today can help you feel vibrant, strong, and confident for years to come. Listen to your body, nourish it well, and embrace the journey of healthy aging.
* or † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rhuleave-K® is a trademark of Arjuna Natural LLC.
TamaFlex® is a registered trademark of NXT USA, Inc., U.S. Patent # 11,147,850.
^In a double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical study (Schwartz, 2019), 1g/d BioCell Collagen supplementation for 12 weeks significantly reduced numbers of facial lines and wrinkles by clinical expert, significantly increased skin elasticity and collagen content by instrument measure, compared to those in the placebo.
‡For mild memory problems associated with aging.
††Based on a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with TamaFlex® where joint comfort improved within 5 days and continued to improve throughout duration of the study.
‡‡Inflammatory response in our body can occur from a variety of everyday factors such as exercise, daily activities, physical exertion, and other lifestyle factors.
The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Solgar® site.