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Just Relax: The Best Vitamins & Herbs for Occasional Stress
How does stress affect the body? What is ashwagandha, and does it reduce stress? Do B-complex vitamins help reduce stress?

Essential Fatty Acids: Everything You Need to Know About Omega-3s
Everything you need to know about essential fatty acids and omega-3s, including where to find them and the best supplements.

What Does Vitamin C Do for the Immune System?
Learn the history of vitamin C, how it helps the immune system, what happens when you take too much, and which foods are the best sources of it.

The Science Behind Sleeping When Stressed
Learn how stress affects sleep, why a soothing bedtime routine may be just what you need, and which supplements are most beneficial to a restful sleep.

Men’s Health: 6 Ways to Maximize Your Workouts
Whether you work out for 15 minutes a day or two hours, by going on a leisurely walk or busting your butt at a spin class, the effectiveness of exercise often depends more on what is done before and after, than during the workout itself.

Head First: 5 Simple Ways to Support Brain Health
Don’t take your cognitive health for granted. Learn 5 easy ways you can incorporate brain health into your everyday life.

Minerals 101: Everything You Need to Know About Minerals
Learn about the difference between vitamins versus minerals, major versus trace minerals and four minerals you should include in your diet.

Can You Actually Boost Your Immune System? 5 Myths & Facts About Immune Support You May Not Know
Can you actually boost your immune system? Does exercise increase your chances of getting sick? The most common myths about the immune system - debunked.

Joint Health: Tips & Supplements for Aging Joints
Exercise is great for the body, but excess pressure on your joints can cause gradual wear-and-tear. Learn how to keep joints healthy through diet, modulated exercise, and the right supplements.